
Paradise Island

Sandra was another outstanding student who chose to complete the project single handedly, and a fantastic job she did. She ended her presentation with a class quiz and gave out lollies for the students who answered correctly. Everyone enjoyed her presentation.

Nean Island

Adam, Keegan, Quinn and Zak created the fascinating island of NEAN. Read this description to this wonderful land.

NEAN description

Tropolava Island

Morgan, Sian and Shanee did an amazing ppresentation of their island. The presentation included their national anthem, a cruise commentary around Tropolava and we even got to sample their traditional dish. Good Job. Click on the movie below to hear what it sounded like.

Aroha Island

Karla worked extremely hard to create Aroha Island. She did an incredible job, look at the map and co ordinates that she created.
karla's map
Karl A


Congratulations to Karla for winning our Easter poetry competition with this amazing poem

Read the poem horizontally

Karl A

Winner of the Island Project Competition

Well Done to everyone, it was an extremely difficult decision to chose a winner as you all did extremely well. You can all be very proud of your efforts. To find out the winner simply use your mouse over the scratch card to reveal the winning island.

Flash Toys at WishAFriend.com

Montage of Room 8's Island Projects

Room 8's Island Projects on PhotoPeach

Luva Luva Island

Claire, Ellie, Michal, Leah and Amalia created Luva Luva island.


Zoloba Island by Bree

Bree did an amazing effort by completing the island project all by herself .  She showed great commitment and determination by finishing an unbelievable amount of work. Well Done Bree!!!

The Island of Aiceiaca

Jonas, Jack, Cory and Sam created the island of Aiceica.  As part of their presentation Jonas interviewed Oni aka the president of Aiceiaca.


Dimond Island

Nick, Oni, Peyton and Tom created Dimond Island. They then created a voicethread of their project for other people to give them feedback. We would love it if you posted a comment on the voicethread as well.