
Highlanders confirm jersey change

The Highlanders have confirmed they will play in a new shirt against the Force at Carisbrook on Friday ahead of a permanent switch from their traditional blue jerseys. The jersey change will be a one-off this season, Highlanders management confirmed today.
However, the franchise plans a permanent switch to the new jersey next season.
The jersey will not be revealed until the team runs out on Friday night.
It understood it is light green with a dark blue strip down the sides and no trace of maroon. The jersey has traditionally reflected the provincial unions in the Highlanders' catchment - blue for Otago, gold for North Otago and maroon for Southland.

Should the Highlanders change the colour of their playing strip? Why/Why not?


Room 8 News Day

On Friday this week we will be running a news day.  All the students are working in teams as journalists to produce a news story of their choice.  We have an anchorman and an anchorwoman, a weather report and we are even interviewing the famous Intergalatic man.  It should be a fun and productive day.  Don't forget to start thinking about what news story you are going to produce and what clothes and props you will need.  If you are struggling for ideas check out the following link to get  you inspired.

Poem Of The Week.


Rock Band performing The Lazy Song

Rock band - Perfect

We have two amazing Rock Bands at our school, who wowed us all in assembly today.  We have two stars from our class in the Rock band.  Nick on guitar and Jack on drums and you can hear him rapping.  They are awesome musicals.


Music with Ms F

Today we did music with Ms F our music teacher.  Most of our class finished their Garageband, Mrs Lee is looking how to but them on our blog page, so keep looking and listening. The rest of the class were playing the ukulele, we played My Grandma, Ten Guitars and El Condor

Maze Game

Jake, Jack and Cullen challenge you to play this maze game.  How many levels can you complete.
Scary maze game | Free flash game with To14.com
the letters v a, followed by a gap, and then the letters d e r s              
A REBUS is a picture representation
of a name,or phrase. Can you guess what it is?
Stare at the picture and you will get a surprise 


Caption Competition

What do you think the dog is thinking.  Post your ideas as a comment.  The winner will be announced on Monday, so get posting.


End Ball Winnings!!!

Yummy these are our winnings for End Ball. We didn't win our game against RM 14 but we did very well. So Mrs Lee made us muffins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!


What is this?

5 W's and 1 H

What is this a photograph of?
Where was this photo taken?
When was is taken.? 
Why is it important?
Who is it about? 
How was this photgraph taken?

Test you Brain

Play this game then post your score as a comment. Try and beat Mrs Lee's score of -9, I am sure it can't be too hard to beat that pathetic score.
Brain bender | Free flash game with To14.com

Poem of the Week


A good joke yea

The joke
What do you say if you get in trouble for not doing your homework?

Find out the answer on Monday.

The answer
You cant tell me off for something I didn't do

By Jack and Jake


Clock Faces

Look at these wonderful clocks that 2 members of our class made in Tech.  Can you guess who they are?


Test Your Brain With This Leap Frog Game

Your mission is to see how quickly you can switch the frogs to the opposite side of the picture. If you get stuck, you can start over by clicking on the arrow (start over button) in the picture below to return the frogs to their starting places. Don't give up until you figure it out! Don't give up until you have figured it out.

Free Online Flash Games

Will we win the endball competition?

Room 8 in practise for the interclass endball competition on PhotoPeach

Krusty Krabs - Learn about Tornadoes.

Did you know that a tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of up to 300 mph. They can destroy large buildings, uproot trees and hurl vehicles hundreds of yards. They can also drive straw into trees. Damage paths can be in excess of one mile wide to 50 miles long. In an average year, 1000 tornadoes are reported nationwide. 
Krusty Krabs reading group watched an animation to see the destruction that a tornado can cause.  They then read heaps of facts about tornadoes.  Then they made a tornado in a jar.  Look carefully at the photographs you can see the water swirling in the bottle forming a vortex.  Most tornadoes form clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.

Let's make a volcano!!!

Patrick Stars _Volcano on PhotoPeach


Poem of the Week.

Crystal Ball

Gaze into the crystal ball and ask a  yes/no question, then click on get the answer.  Tell us if the crystal ball answered your questions accurately by posting a comment.


Joke winners

Paris and Sean

Paris said...

three girls found a magic carpet that made you dissapear if you lied one was a blonde one was a brunette and one was a redhead the brunette said "I think im the smartest girl in skwl" "POOF" she dissapeard . then the redhead said " i think im the most popular girl in skwl " "POOF" she dissapeard . then the blonde said "I think.... "POOF" she dissapeard.

Sean said...

A blonde and a brunette fall off a building at the same time which one will hit the ground first?

The brunette because the blonde will have to stop and ask for directions


What word 2

                                                o                                        t
s                                                   y                          m                                


What word

These letters make a word can you guess what the word is

r                                 e
   n  n                                                  i


Answer as many of these riddles as you can in the comments box and the winner will be the one who gets the most right.
  1. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
  2. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.
  3. What can you catch but not throw?
  4. I run, yet I have no legs. What am I?
  5. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red.
  6. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throw away the inside.
  7. What goes around the world and stays in a corner?
  8. What gets wetter the more it dries?
  9. The more there is, the less you see.
  10. They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen.
Think hard about number 7 you may know it!!!!!!!!!


Just for fun

Well done everyone who posted a comment on the close up picture puzzle.  The correct answer was an ice cream cone.  I think it was a bit too easy so here is a What as I riddle which may challenge you and make you think.

I have an eye but cannot see. I am stronger and faster then any man alive but have no limbs.
What am I?
Think about our natural disaster learning


Spaghetti towers

                                                                                      In room 8 we have been learning about Natural disasters.Some of us had to make a structure out of spaghetti and marshmallows, we had a budget of $400 with the spaghetti costing $5 a piece and the marshmallows costing $10 each. The tower had to hold something that is 200gms. The winner is the one who's is the tallest and can hold the weight of 200gms.

These were the winning towers


Love the moves. 
In our syndicate we are practising our soccer skills. This is a great example of great soccer!
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!                      

Joke competition

We are hosting a joke competition
What you have to do!
Post a joke in the comments and we will choose the winner in a few days so comment now!
You can enter as many times as you would like!
The winner will be announced on Thursday.
Example: Why didn't the skeleton go to the party? Because he had no body to go with.
Sian and Michal


Just For Fun!!!

What Am I?
Can you name this everyday object from it's close up photo?
Post your answer as a comment.


This term we are learning to use the software program Audacity in the computer suite.
What is Audacity? It is a free and easy-to-use audio production and mixing program which enables students to record, import, edit, and add effects to sound files.
This week we listened to a narration of "Beowulf" which had sound effects in the background.  We identified the sounds, then we tried to reproduce the narration.  We learnt how to add the narration, add background sounds, change the pitch, add silence and use fading in and out. 
Next week we will learning how to make a short, scary movie trailer.
Audacity is free to download and has many educational uses;- recording your poems, speeches, practicing your foreign languages, adding sound tracks to your movies, animations and PowerPoint presentations.  We will be using it as part of our "Facing Disaster" unit by creating a radio broadcast from the scene of a disaster that we have studied.
It would be fantastic if you downloaded Audacity onto your home computer and practiced using it's many functions. (you may be able to teach me something new). A good way to use Audacity is to record yourself practising your poem for the poetry recitals and add some sound effects in the background.
Free Audacity Download
A great site to download free sound tracks is Partners in Rhyme, I particularly like the spooky laugh.
Partners In Rhyme Website

Poetry Recitals

At the end of this term YOU will all be performing a poem to the class.  The top three presentations will then take part in syndicate finals.  The winner will then represent Nikau syndicate in the school finals.
Each week I will post a poem on our blog which will show you a good example of how to present a poem, give you ideas and hopefully inspire you to find a poem which you enjoy.  See the links down the side for poetry websites.
This weeks poem is The Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan 


Quinn's Disastours story.

Mrs Lee told us to explain the meaning of the words. Cataclysm, Apocalyptic, Ruin, Pulverised, Catastrophe, Path of Destruction, Hardship, Destruction, Mishap, Emergency, Survival, Danger, Aftershock, Community, Misfortune, Traumatic, Liquefaction, Richter Scale, Crushed, Flammable, Deadly, Crisis, Calamity, Collapsed and Devastation.
They are all disaster words because we are starting a new topic called Facing Disasters. We also had to put them in a sentence and draw a picture.


Ellie's Disastrous story

The ground shock beneath me violently, the roaring sound grow louder and louder throwing all my thoughts out of my head and replacing it with the word EARTHQUAKE! How many seconds past I don't know. the world became a blurr fading into nothing. I grabbed hold of a hard object and squeezed it tight. Applying more pressere each time the ground shock. All of a sudden everything froze, "survival" cried the voice in my head, then the ground beneath me caved in and I thrust myself aside and it left a gapping big hole right beside me. It was a complete an utter crisis all that was left of our town was ruins. Ever since the quake happend our community has collapsed in hope of rebuilding our town back up around us. 


Music with Ms F

Every day 2 in the afternoon we go to music. At the moment half of us are learning the ukulele, and half of us are on garage band on the computer making music (after 5 weeks we swap over). On the ukulele we are learning a song called El Condor Pasa from South Africa. It is loads of fun and our music teacher is awesome!
By Shanee and Morgan