
How the Black Veined Moth Got Its Pretty Marks. By Aura

How the Dhole got its fluffy front bt Rhyanna

The myth was written by Rhyanna based on the endangered species she studied.

How the spotted hyena got its spots. By Brianna

Read this wonderful myth written by Brianna based on the endangered animal that she studied.  We hope you enjoy it.

Endangered Animal Website

Check out our amazing website on endangered animals


David Attenborough's Ark

Naturalist David Attenborough chooses the 10 endangered animals from around the world that he would most like to save from extinction, explaining why these animals are so important and highlighting the work of biologists helping to keep them alive.


Top Ten Funniest Photos of Endangered Species

Amongst the tens of thousands of images in the ARKive collection there are some hilarious, sidesplitting snaps of nature’s comedians in action so we thought we would share some of the ARKive team’s favourites.  
Vote for your favourite one as a comment.  Write a caption for your favourite one.
Click on the link below to see all 10.

Send an E-card

Send free e-cards to your friends and family. Simply choose one of our amazing Team WILD, Survival or endangered animal e-cards and write your own personal message.

Olympic Quiz

Feeling nostalgic about the 2012 Olympics? Take our Olympic quiz with a wild twist to discover which of our animal athletes would be top of the medal podium!

Team Wild

To get your brain in  gear for our new topic Endangered Species play Team Wild. 
Team WILD, an elite squadron of science superheroes, needs your help! Your mission: protect and conserve the planet’s species and habitats from destruction.


The Roman Empire

This week we are all researching different aspects of the Roman Empire to start us wondering about our topic Ancient Civilisations.  We are each researching a different aspect of the Roman Civilisation.  Areas that we are looking at are Roman Entertainment,Roman Slavery, Growing Up in Roman Times, Roman Transport, Roman Families and Homes and Roman Sanitation. Keep an eye out to see what we discovered as we are all making posters to share our learning.
Watch this video about A day in the life of a 10 year old Roman Britain.


Maori Language Week

Learn about local Māori place names, their history and pronunciation. Click on the link below then click on the place names to hear the their history and pronunciation.


Yummy Science - Hokey Pokey

Poetry Projects

Here are the first of our amazing poetry projects. Our task was to prepare a presentation using Windows Movie Maker to illustrate the poetic devices used in popular songs.  We hope you enjoy watching them.


Saxton's Gold Rush

On Friday the whole school headed off to Saxton's Fields for our first ever Saxton's GoldRush.  It was a huge success and everyone looked like they had heaps of muddy fun. Well done to Room 8 who put in a great effort.  Can you spot yourself through the mud?
Saxton's GoldRush on PhotoPeach


Choral Chant

As part of our reading rotation we all performed choral chants.  We were practicing varying the pace and pitch of our voices, talking in unison and individually, in rounds and adding silence to our performance. Can you spot these techniques in this performance?


Nonsense Poems

During our guided reading sessions with Ms McCauley we were reading the nonsense poem "There's a wonton in my pompom." We used this as inspiration to write our own nonsense poems.  This is a poem that one group created together.

There's a hippopotamus and a ritapotamus  in a pineapple under the sea
The cat sat on the mat while he was eating a ratty rat rat
The digging dog was digging up a very dirty delicious disgusting bone
Bob the slob ate a blob while he was slopping on a a very grobble grob grob
The troll was laughing out loud while licking a live goat LOL
Cate made a cake while eating a characteristic carrot coloury cat
Charlie chewing a giant finger while a chinga was chewing caramel
So I better go home and find a new finger.

We hoped you enjoyed our nonsense poem.

Science Experiments

In science we are learning about chemical change.  Yesterday we observed chemical changes that involved fizzing and foaming and a chemical change that produces heat, this is called an exothermic reaction.  We mixed hydrogen peroxide and yeast together, we observed that the temperature rose form 15 degrees to 35 degrees.  We then made elephants toothpaste.  This chemical change involved both heat production and fizzing and foaming.


Animated Poems using PhotoPeach

During our reading rotation we used PhotoPeach to animate poems that we wrote or liked.  We hope you enjoy them.
super heros on PhotoPeach

Wolf by Sam on PhotoPeach

It is Murder on PhotoPeach

summer by brianna on PhotoPeach

Beautiful on PhotoPeach

Winter Haiku By Grace on PhotoPeach

Cafine plus sugar on PhotoPeach

Weather on PhotoPeach

Sleep on PhotoPeach

Frogs by Rebekah on PhotoPeach

rainbow on PhotoPeach

Snow By findlay on PhotoPeach

haiku on PhotoPeach

jump on PhotoPeach

turtle eating on PhotoPeach

Squirrel on PhotoPeach


Never Give Up

In music this week we studied the Protest Song "Never Give Up" by Kenbe La Rap.  This song was written in response to the massive earthquake which struck Haiti in 2010. Kenbe La means ‘Never Give Up’ in Haitian Creole. It is a vehicle for hope in the face of a tragedy that is literally incomprehensible.“Union Fait La Force” – United We Stand.


Protest Art

Look at the wonderful Protest Art that we produced with Ms McCauley.


Blabberized Poems

One of our reading activities this week was to choose a poem, practice reading it until we were fluent and then create a blabber using blabberize.com.  Look at these that we have created.



Record, share and download your own Incredibox composition.  Try out this amazing website to create your  own beat-box vocal group.  This may be a useful tool for when you write your own protest song.  Have fun and share your creations with me. Click on the picture to the right.

Amazing Alliteration

This week we have been learning how to add alliteration into our writing. We watched extreme alliteration and listened to songs which contained alliteration.  Here are some of our amazing alliteration sentences.
Aura ate the audience in the auditorium.
Logan likes licking lollies from the lolly store.
Ryan rabbit ran around the rugged rain-forest.
Josh jumped to Jupiter.
Amazingly Awesome Ashleigh ate apples.  Alyssa came and ate apples with Ashleigh for afternoon tea.  After afternoon tea an ape ate along with approximately an hour after Alyssa had an accident.  Alyssa accused Anna of applying aqua to her attire.
Ashleigh announced to Anna and Alyssa "ATM's are awesome."

Human Rights Issues

In topic this week we learnt about how child soldiers human rights were violated and how this inspired Emmanuel Jal to write his song "War Child."
We then used drama and role play to explore different human
rights issues. 


Emmanuel Jal - War Child

This week during topic we were learning to understand how protest songs use personal narrative to inform and persuade.  We listened to Emmanuel Jal experiences of being a child soldier and how his experiences inspired him to write his song War Child.  The purpose of his song is to inform other people about child soldiers and try to stop this practice from happening.
To hear Emmanuel's story and listen to his song watch the following YouTube videos.

Fizz Inflator and Exploding Lunch Box Experiments

As part of our topic about CHANGE during science we are learning about chemical changes by carrying out chemical reactions. We learnt that a chemical change occurs when 2 substances are mixed together to form something new.  We also learnt there are 4 main clues that a chemical change has occurred.
1.    There is a formation of gas which can be seen by a fizzing or bubbling
2.    The reaction will cause heat, light or odour to be emitted
3.    A colour change is produced
4.    A solid is formed during the change
This week we conducted the fizz inflator and exploding lunch bag experiments.
 These experiments showed chemical change because the baking soda and the vinegar create and ACID-BASE reaction and the two chemicals work together to create a gas, (carbon dioxide) Gasses need a lot of room to spread out and the carbon dioxide starts to fill the bottle, and then moves into the balloon to inflate it.

The Sound Collector By Roger McGough

This week as part of our reading rotation we worked in groups to put sound effects to the poem The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. Here is one groups performance.  We hope you enjoy it.


Piclits Poems

During our reading rotation we are using piclits.com to illustrate poems we have written and ones that we like.  Here are some that we have created.
PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com


Welcome to Ms McCauley

We welcome to our class,Ms Liz McCauley.
She is our student teacher, who will be with us for the next 4 weeks.We hope she enjoys being a part of our class.
We are looking forward to the exciting learning she will do with us.Keep posted to see the work we will be doing together.

Onomatopoeia Art

In class we are looking at poetic devises that make writing effective.  This week we studied onomatopoeia.
We listened to songs which contain onomatopoeia and watched old Batman and Robin videos. We learnt that onomatopoeia are words that sound like the objects they name or the sounds those objects make. We then looked at Pop Art by Roy Lichtenstein.  We used his style to create our onomatopoeia art.  Take a look at what we created.


Protest Songs

We are learning to understand how songs from different times have promoted human rights.
We worked in groups to analyse and interpret information about protest songs and the situations in which they were written.
We then developed a group presentation about our protest song to persuade the class of its importance.
Here are some of the PowerPoints we made to accompany our presentations.


Partner Poems

One of our reading rotation activities is to work in pairs to perform a poem.  One person sits on a chair with their hands behind their back and reads a peom.  The other person hids behind the reader and puts their hands through.  Their job is to do the actions of the poem.  Here are some that we performed.



As part of our reading program we are creating visual representations of poems we have read and wrote.  Here are some that we made at school this week.  We would love to know what you think about them.
I'm a snake by Aura and Rhyanna
Poems by Banjo Patterson created by Reon
Untitled by Maddie and Ellie
Life is like a show By Brianna
The aliens have landed by Ken Nesbitt
I don't know what to do today By Sam
Class Gas by Jense
The Tale of Sonny by Findlay
Coppers by Findlay


How Do You Learn Best?

What are Multiple Intelligences?
It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others.
Instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different intelligences.
These are listed below:
Kinaesthetic - Body Smart Linguistic - Word Smart
Logical - Number Smart Interpersonal - People Smart
Intrapersonal - Myself Smart Musical - Music Smart
Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart Naturalistic - Nature Smart
What special intelligences do you have? You can find out by answering a few simple questions
 Click on the link below to take the test.
Tell use your results as a comment.


Draw A Stickman

Game of the week.  Have a go at this fun game and watch your drawing come to life.

Protest Songs

Are You A Good Sport?

Are you competitive? Is winning the most important thing? Or do you simply enjoy playing the game regardless of the final result? How you answer these questions might give you some insight into whether you’re a good sport or not.

What do you think about Luis Suarez actions? What do you think of his 10 match ban?


Room 8's Assembly

On Friday it was Room 8's turn to host the school assembly and a fantastic job they did too.  Many thanks to the following students who rose to the challenge.  Caley, Lucy and Kayla for writing an awesome script.  Anna aka The Joker and Rebekah for being super presenters  Lucy and Kayla for presenting the RISE awards and Logan and Luke for introducing The Super Sisters video - written and starring Maddie and Grace, featuring Fraser, Logan and Luke and filmed by Ellie.  Well done everyone for all your efforts for an awesome assembly which was enjoyed by all.



Brainteaser of the Week

The Farmer and his Fruit.
A farmer in Australia owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for him to purchase.
The farmer knows that the main trunk has 24 branches. Each branch has 12 boughs and each bough has 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, how many plums will the farmer be able to sell?

Nikau Syndicate Trip To Tahuna


Waka Challenge

Last week in class we learnt how the early settlers of New Zealand came by waka form Polynesia. We read about the different waka's that the Maori made and the different materials they used. We also read the legenf of Rata's wake. We then worked in teams to make our own waka's out of newspaper. Each group was given 30 sheets of newpaper, one roll of sellotape and 30 popsicle sticks. We then had 30 minutes to produce a waka which could hold one of our team members without collapsing, looked like a waka, had strong sides and base and was creative. Look at our wonderful creations.


Last week in science we learnt about genetics and how we inherit our traits.  This is us learning how to extract DNA from a strawberry.

Game of the Week

Simon Music Game - Test your memory by follwoing the pattern of lights and sounds for as long as you can.  Post your score as a comment.

Word Challenge

For each of the following four words, come up with another English word that uses
all the same letters but in a different order.
The four words you come up with must all rhyme with each other.



© 2012 The Weekly Plan. All rights reserved


Brainteaser of the Week

Rope Ladder

The rope ladder of a boat hangs over the side of the boat and just reaches the water. Its rungs are 20cm apart.
How many rungs will be under the water when the tide rises 1.2 metres?
When the tide rises 1.2 metres, the boat and its ladder will also rise. So no rungs will be under the water.
Well Done to everyone who answered correctly.  See me for a smiley face.


Thingdom Game

In science last week you learnt about traits that you have inherited and genes.  Breed 'Things' in this game that will help you learn about genetic inheritance and selective breeding. Click on the link below to play the Thingdom Game.



Welcome Back to 2013

Welcome back, a new school year has started here in New Zealand and Room 8 @ Wis has a whole new class of wonderful students.  Check out our blog to see what we get up to Room 8 each week.  We would love to here from you so feel free to add comments to our posts.  If you are new to blogging check out the link below.
We look forward to sharing our learning with you.