Make your own new animals and build an online habitat for the them.
What am I?

Do you know what I am?
Leave a comment saying what you think this picture is of and we
will announce the winner at the end of the week.
Science Roadshow
Today, Thursday, we were lucky enough to visit the Science Roadshow in our school hall. It was an amazing learning experience and all the students found out heaps about science through hands on activities and interactive fun. Check out the slideshow to see what fun we got up to.
Creative Clocks
These two wonderful clock were produced by Jack H and Amalia during technology. I am sure you will agree that they have do a fabulous job.
Jack H's basketball inspired clock |
Amalia's clock inspired by her family and friends. |
Awesome Artwork
By Jake |
By Jack N |
Self portrait by Jack N Wow!!! look at this wonderful artwork that Jack and Jake produced during extension art. Fantastic work boys. |
Yesterday we went to the science room to learn about fire. The usual science teacher was sick so Mrs lee had to teach us. It was a successful lesson as we were playing with fire and the school is not a smouldering mess of rubble.You'll be pleased to hear that no casualties were sustained Which is good... I think.
We learnt about the properties of fire and did some interesting experiments.Like did you know that if you hold a match in the smoke of a freshly put out candle the candle will light. Also we held a bowl over the flame and it went black at first it looked burnt but you could wipe it away it was only soot. Soot is unburnt particles.We also learnt that if you put a flask over the flame the flame will go out. this is because the flame gets no oxygen and then suffocates.
Sports Statistical Investigation
Last week in maths we collected data about sporting activities and presented our findings using a stem and leaf graph. First of all we took our resting pulse rates and wrote the results on a stem and leaf graph. We then ran for two minutes and then took our pulse rates again. We recorded the results and then compared them to our resting pulse rates. Next we worked in groups to design an investigation based on a sporting theme, so that we could gather data and analyse the results.
The sporting activities that we completed were;-
- How many star jumps we could do in a minute
- How many basketball shots we could complete in 4 mins
- How many times could we clap our hands when we threw a basketball into the air
- How many drop kicks could we do in 1 minute.
- How many chest passes could we complete in 1 minute at a distance of 3 metres
- How many soccer goals could we shoot and save in 1 minute
New England Black Shirt

Since 1871, England's finest rugby players have proudly marched on to the field of play wearing white. Now English rugby players are nearly All Blacks. What do you think about this away kit, post your comments
Chocolate Trading Game
Last week Room 8 played "The Trading Game." The purpose of this role play game was to give the students a hands on insight to the experiences of different groups in the "chocolate production chain."
This week the students will write about what they learnt during the experience on their individual blogs. Check out the students blogs to see what they discovered throughout this simulation.
This week the students will write about what they learnt during the experience on their individual blogs. Check out the students blogs to see what they discovered throughout this simulation.
STRIKE performance
We were extremely lucky this on Friday to host STRIKE an awesome persussion group. Everyone agreed that their performance was amazing. Miss Biddy and Mr Tyer had to compete against each other playing the drums - holding a beat, improvising and running whilst drumming. Miss Biddy was voted the winner. Check out STRIKE's performance on this YouTube clip.
Brain Training Game
Puppet Prospectus
It was winter tournament on Thursday and Friday of this week. Room 8 students who were not taking part in the sports stayed behind at school and along with students from room 1, 2 , 9 and 7 were given an important task. They had to think about what made Waimea Intermediate School a special place. They then had to come up with a key message about WIS and then turn this message into both a fridge magnet and a puppet show. Watch this Movie Maker show to see the the puppet shows that they produced. I am sure you will agree they did a fabulous job in promoting what WIS is all about and what we value. Your comments would be valued. Keep an eye on this blog for the wonderful fridge magnet they produced to promote their message.
Netball Champ
Well Done to Ellie for representing Nelson for the under 13 reps in Ashburton during the holidays. Congratulations for winning the senior grade. You are a sporting STAR both at school and in the wider school community.
Circus Tricks
Here is a Slide show India and Paris made out of pictures when the the French peformers came to our school and peformed a show for us.
Create your own video slideshow at
Check out M & M's website
Visit M & M's for some chocolatety fun and games, recipes, racing and even become an M by creating your own M & M avatar. Check out this one I created earlier. Why not make your own and post in on your blog.
Cold feet-Liam Finn
We chose this song because it's a New Zealand song and just because its stuck in my head.So now its going into your heads.
Adam and Sean
Adam and Sean
Caption this!
We are doing a caption compitition.Whoever has the best caption wins a prize better than imaginable....We will tell you the prize when we post the winners
All Blacks Haka 2011
THE Bledisloe Cup will remain in New Zealand hands for another year and the World Cup might soon end up there as well.
The All Blacks signalled their intent even before the kick-off, paying the Wallabies the rare compliment of performing their kapa o pango haka instead of their customary kamate kamate, a signal of how seriously they were treating this Test.What is your intent when you perform the Haka Powhiri to Bohally next week? Do you think the way you perform will help your team win?
What did you think of the All Blacks new Haka? Do you the think the passion they displayed helped their match performance and halped them win?
"Chocolate with a Conscience."
Add your comments by adding your own post it notes to our wall. Simply click on post a sticky and then double-click anywhere on this page and a sticky note will appear there.
7 Most Extreme Disasters
This terms theme was Change and Crisis. We studied this theme through the topic "Facing Disaster." The students chose a disaster to research, they then produced a newspaper article about their chosen disaster. The class then chose 7 disasters to produce a documentary style video. This video was written, produced and edited by Room 8 students. I am sure you will agree that they did a fabulous job and that we have New Zealand's future TV stars and producers right here at Waimea Intermediate.
Puberty Interactives
We have been investigating Puberty during topic time, in particularly the changes that you will experience during this important stage of your development. Check out the websites below to find out more information.
Puberty Body Tour
BBC - The Teen Species
Puberty Body Tour
BBC - The Teen Species
WIS Wonder Chefs
Room 8's Shanee and Jack are going down to Christchurch this week with the rest of the Waimea Intermediate Team to take part in the Maggi Kitchen Showdown. Good luck, we are all proud of your efforts and cooking skills. Watch this video to to see them prepare their "Middle Eastern Delight."
Click on the link below to give them a Wild Card Spot in the final.
Click on the link below to give them a Wild Card Spot in the final.
Maori Interactives - Just for Fun
Matariki is the Māori New Year, so try out this interactive to learn more about how the Matariki star constellation relates to science.
Make a hangi by choosing the correct type and quantity of wood and rocks, and stacking the fire and food in the right order.
HangiCheck out this interactive quiz about greetings in te reo Māori. Listen to and read each sentence, and match the Māori phrase with its English meaning.
Nga mihi Greetings
Maori Language Week
Manaakitanga is the theme for Maori Language Week 2011. "Manaakitanga" is very important to Maori customs and identity, what does it mean? Watch the following youtube clips to help you understand what manaakitanga means, then post its meaning as a comment.
Garage band performances
Last week was our last music lesson for the term. Here are the garageband creations that the students created then shared with the class. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as they enjoyed making them.
Volume Investigation
Cuboid Construction
During this activity we were focusing on measuring the volume of rectangular prisms. We were asked to make a cuboid using 36 multi link cubes. We then had to investigate how many different shapes of cuboids that we could make still using 36 cubes. Here are some photographs of us doing this activity, we have also added some questions about our learning for you to check your own knowedge about volume. Post your scores as a comment.
During this activity we were focusing on measuring the volume of rectangular prisms. We were asked to make a cuboid using 36 multi link cubes. We then had to investigate how many different shapes of cuboids that we could make still using 36 cubes. Here are some photographs of us doing this activity, we have also added some questions about our learning for you to check your own knowedge about volume. Post your scores as a comment.
Amalia With Her Under 13 Rep Development Team Tournament
Last weekend Amalia went to Blenheim with her Rep's netball team. Amalia's mum Bri reports that it was a very wet first game and they still won against Malborough 28/19, then they lost versing the Motueka A team by 2 points 24/26, for the last game they won by a very big margin against Golden Bay by 34/14. Well Done Amalia and Co you did extremely well. Congratulations to all Waimea Intermediate girls who made both the Reps team (Ellie from room 8) and the development squad.
Have Your Say?
The kick off of the Crusaders and Sharks takes place on Saturday at 7.30 pm at Nelson's Trafalgar Park. Will you be there, who will you going with, if not what will you be doing? Who do you think will win, can you predict the score? Post you answers as a comment.
Caption Competition

Can you think of a caption for the photo. It's just a bit of fun but the winning caption gets to choose a prize from the goodie box. You can enter as many comments as you like. The more captions you enter the better your chance of winning.
Moviemaker Reading Activity
As part of our reading contracts we had to read about, listen to eye witness accounts and view news coverage about different disaster. We then had to use Moviemaker to produce footage of our disasters.
Zak's Moviemaker about the Japanese Tsunami.
India's Moviemaker about the Queensland floods
Oni and Cory on the smartboard
Oni is playing on the smartboard with Cory, he is improving his English.The game is called Let's Go.
Sports trip to Saxton Fields
On Friday Nikau syndicate visited Saxton's Fields to take part in a fundamental skills programme. It was a great day for everyone.
Maggi Kitchen Showdown 2011
The 2011 Intermediate School Kitchen showdown is in full swing now with 30 schools currently being visited by the Maggi team.
The Maggi team (Ash and Ritchie) were filming at our Waimea Intermediate today.
Two of Room 8's fantastic students are member of WIS team, namely Jack and Shanee.
Middle Eastern Delight was the name of the team's culinary creation. It consisted of;-
lamb kebabs,couscous, Greek salad, pita bread and tzatiki dip
On Monday 1st July all 30 school videos will be up on the following website and you can view and vote for your favourite, which of course will be Waimea Intermediate.
Click here to support Jack and Shanee and vote for Waimea Intermediate
Click here to support Jack and Shanee and vote for Waimea Intermediate
Optical Illusion

The winner is Leah congratulations!!!!!!!
Room 8 TV day - The Results
This is the result of Room 8's first ever TV day, not bad results for our first attempt.
I have certainly learnt lots from the experience. I would give you more planning time, a storyboard so that you can plan out your scenes and ask you you to write a script before you begin. I also think I need to practise using the video camera.
Think and reflect about what you gained from the experience. What would YOU do differently next time, what have you learnt from the experience. Post your answers as a comment.
To our wider audience what would you like to see next time, what feedback can you give us. I would be interested in your comments. Denise Lee
Preparation for Room 8 TV day
The students were all busy today preparing for our TV day. It was a fun and busy day. Keep checking out our blog page for the full recording of this entertaining day.
Preparation for TV Day on PhotoPeach
Preparation for TV Day on PhotoPeach
Today in maths we were carrying some practical measurement activities. Firstly we had to estimate how far we could duck walk, walk backwards and walk sidewards in 2 minutes. We then had to see if our estimates were acurate by carrying out the activitiies out and timing them. We could then choose our own activities to estimate and time.
News from Jonas

Jonas is in Denmark for his 3 months visit. Today Room 8 received an email from him telling us his lastest news. Jonas has just returned from a school trip to Bornholm, a small island in the middle of the Baltic ocean. It sounds like he is having lots of fun, playing mini golf and getting the best score of 42 ( the next best score being 80). He also played football (soccer) and his school team won by 9 - 1, Jonas scored all 9 goals. Way to go Jonas!!! We hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and keep in touch. Room 8 is missing you.
Mrs Higgs
This is Mrs.Higgs, she is a student teacher who has been in our class room for 5 weeks. Mrs.Higgs has been learning from the expert teacher Mrs.Lee (NOT!).Sadly she is leaving us on Friday and we will all miss her.
Guess who???
Hey it's Ellie and Leah here this is a compettition for you, all you have to do is guess all these blurred out people( first and last name if they have one) and the winner gets 10 smiley faces and a lollypop.
Good luck and get guessing
Ellie and Leah
Good luck and get guessing
Ellie and Leah
Highlanders confirm jersey change
The Highlanders have confirmed they will play in a new shirt against the Force at Carisbrook on Friday ahead of a permanent switch from their traditional blue jerseys. The jersey change will be a one-off this season, Highlanders management confirmed today.
However, the franchise plans a permanent switch to the new jersey next season.
The jersey will not be revealed until the team runs out on Friday night.
It understood it is light green with a dark blue strip down the sides and no trace of maroon. The jersey has traditionally reflected the provincial unions in the Highlanders' catchment - blue for Otago, gold for North Otago and maroon for Southland.
Should the Highlanders change the colour of their playing strip? Why/Why not?
Room 8 News Day
On Friday this week we will be running a news day. All the students are working in teams as journalists to produce a news story of their choice. We have an anchorman and an anchorwoman, a weather report and we are even interviewing the famous Intergalatic man. It should be a fun and productive day. Don't forget to start thinking about what news story you are going to produce and what clothes and props you will need. If you are struggling for ideas check out the following link to get you inspired.
Rock band - Perfect
We have two amazing Rock Bands at our school, who wowed us all in assembly today. We have two stars from our class in the Rock band. Nick on guitar and Jack on drums and you can hear him rapping. They are awesome musicals.
Music with Ms F
Today we did music with Ms F our music teacher. Most of our class finished their Garageband, Mrs Lee is looking how to but them on our blog page, so keep looking and listening. The rest of the class were playing the ukulele, we played My Grandma, Ten Guitars and El Condor
Maze Game
Jake, Jack and Cullen challenge you to play this maze game. How many levels can you complete.
Scary maze game | Free flash game with |
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