
Do You Sudoku?

Do you like puzzles? I'm not talking about the kind of puzzles that consists of 500 pieces you have to fit together to make a picture. I'm talking about puzzles that test your brain in the areas of language, logic or math.
One of the most popular puzzles today is called Sudoku. A Sudoku puzzle consists of 81 boxes arranged in a 9X9 grid. That means there are 9 rows and 9 columns. There are also 9 sub-grids — sometimes called boxes or blocks — arranged in 3X3 groups.
Sudoku puzzles feature numbers, but they test logic more than math. The goal of a Sudoku puzzle is to fill in the boxes with the numbers 1 through 9 in such a way that every column, every row and every 3X3 sub-grid contains all of the numbers 1 through 9.
Each digit 1 through 9 may be used only once in any particular column, row or sub-grid.

Ready to try your hand at Sudoku? Just jump online to try out this fun and free Sudoku puzzle!

1 comment:

  1. my time is 3 minets and 42 seconds

