Term One Home Learning Project

Your homework this term is to plan, research and
present a project starring you and your family.
It is to be presented as a book and is due in on
Due on Monday the 23rd of March
The purpose is for
you to inform others about yourself and your family in a visually appealing way
and to create a treasure to keep for always.
Learning and
It will be an opportunity for you to explore your own
family’s culture and heritage and how some of this has been preserved and
passed on.
It is an opportunity for you to show your written
language, speaking and presentation skills and to learn others, such as word
processing and bookmaking, along the way. You are encouraged to use photos,
drawings and keepsakes to enhance its appeal.
Important points to
Always draft first, check for errors, edit, then
publish. The three step method is a good
idea….self, peer, teacher or parent.
Published work can be on the computer. If you need help to make a booklet on
the computer ask someone who knows, or see me.
Published work should not contain spelling mistakes!!
You can complete the activities in any order. The
headings will become chapter headings which you can arrange into an order which
makes sense to you! You can include details that have not been included in the
questions, as long as they fit with the chapter heading.
Plan your lay out…remember to leave room for photos
a front cover that includes a title that uses your name and a photo of
yourself. The title should be in the form of alliteration and uses a word to
help describe you more. Alliteration is when the starting letters and sound is
the same e.g. Lazy Lisa, Super Sam.
Number each page and make a contents page to go at the
When your book is finished, as a class we will enjoy
reading all about you. Together we will be looking at how well you achieved
your purpose. In particular we shall be looking to see how well your book:
- Shows
and tells us about you in an interesting way.
- Has
visual appeal.
- Is
free of spelling mistakes.
- Would
make a good keepsake.
1. What’s in a name?
Find out…
v Who named you? For what reasons
was your name chosen? Were there any other names you may have been called?
v See if you can find a definition
for your name. Do you think it suits your personality, give reasons?
vital statistics.
v Full name, nickname, age, DOB,
height, hair colour, skin tone, any special features eg. freckles. Include a
photo or life-like drawing.
3. Favourites
v Colour, sport, TV programme,
computer/ X-Box/ PSP/ PS2 game, music, movie, food, animals, hobbies, books,
role models etc
v Write down your favourite joke.
v What is your favourite thing
about yourself?
v What is your favourite possession?
v Where is your favourite place?
Why? Include photos if you can
4. Your
First Memory.
v Write about your first memory.
Be descriptive. Have a real think about this one, sometimes our early memories
are about feelings eg happiness, fear.
5. Past/
v Write about past achievements
you are proud of.
v What days are special to you and
v What talents do you have?
v What things worry you?
v What do you dislike?
v What would you like to do with
your life? Remember this can include a lot of things.
7. Family
v Show your family tree at least
as far back as your grandparents. If you can show it further back that’s even
better. (Don’t panic if this is a real mystery to you and the people who can
help you with this.)
v Find out where your ancestors
came from and how they got to NZ.
v Include any interesting stories
you can find out about them.
v Show where they came from on a
world map.
9. We
are Family…
v Introduce your family, including
likes and dislikes, jobs, hobbies etc. Include photos if you can.
v Where do you fit in?
10. Family
v Write a few sentences about what
the word “family” means to you. Include why your family is special. Some people
have two families. If that is you, don’t forget to cover both.
11. Family
Culture and Traditions.
v What special occasions do you
celebrate in your country? How do you
v Write about any family
traditions you have. Think carefully, sometimes the things you take for granted
are actually special traditions within your family. Think about Christmas,
birthdays, holidays, chores, bed-time etc.
12. Brag
v Design a one page brag sheet
where you get to explain in detail all of the things you have done so far in
your life that you are proud of.
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