Can you guess the color sequence and the order in only 10 goes?
Cupcake wars
Last Friday as a reward for working hard during our end of year tests we went into the foods room for Cupcake Wars. We all made cupcakes then designed different toppings. The winners were Holly and Danielle for their lovely Christmas designs. See if you can spot their cakes in this slide show.
Brainteaser of the Week
I purchased two different lollies.
Together they cost $1.10. One lolly cost one dollar more than the other lolly.What was the price of each lolly?
Magnetic Fridge Poetry
Wild about words? Create your own animal and plant poems using ARKive’s fridge magnets.
Share your poem as a comment.
Game of the Week
A Maze Race
A Maze Race » Puzzle games
Trapped in a maze, you must get out before the computer player does, if you want to win ProProfs Maze-Race game. Direct your green ball through the maze and get to the flag before the red ball does to earn points and advance to the next level. Watch out for dead ends, for if the red ball gets to the flag first, your game is over!
Trapped in a maze, you must get out before the computer player does, if you want to win ProProfs Maze-Race game. Direct your green ball through the maze and get to the flag before the red ball does to earn points and advance to the next level. Watch out for dead ends, for if the red ball gets to the flag first, your game is over!
Wonder of the Week
When Will Pigs Fly?
Did you know?
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “when pigs fly”? Do funny images of pigs with wings fill your mind? This common saying is used to express the idea that something happening is highly unlikely or even impossible.
For example, if you ask your parents when they’re going to buy you a brand new Ferrari, the answer might very well be: “When pigs fly!” You can spend a lot of your time scanning the skies for flying pork, but your chances of seeing a flying pig are about the same as seeing a shiny new red Ferrari in the driveway.
Can you think of any phrases where the answer might be "When pigsfly!" Post you phrases as a comment.
Did you know?
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “when pigs fly”? Do funny images of pigs with wings fill your mind? This common saying is used to express the idea that something happening is highly unlikely or even impossible.
For example, if you ask your parents when they’re going to buy you a brand new Ferrari, the answer might very well be: “When pigs fly!” You can spend a lot of your time scanning the skies for flying pork, but your chances of seeing a flying pig are about the same as seeing a shiny new red Ferrari in the driveway.
Can you think of any phrases where the answer might be "When pigsfly!" Post you phrases as a comment.
This Week in History
The Fall of the Berlin Wall - November 1989
Most of us are familiar with Germany’s involvement inWorld War II, however their story after the war also has historical importance. Following World War II, Germany was left in conflict. East Germany was communist and had similar beliefs to the Soviet Union, while West Germany was democratic and supported by the United States. Berlin, Germany's capital as well as one of its
16 states, sat within East German borders, however, it as split into two.
The Berlin Wall was built by the East Germans (or the German Democratic Republic) to keep its citizens from going West. Construction on the Berlin Wall began in 1961. To begin with, East Berlin and West Berlin were separated by barbed wire. Streets, railway lines and subways were torn up and barricades were erected.Within the year, construction work began on a solid wall separating the two cities. It was 155km long, 4 metres high and topped with barbed wire to keep anyone from climbing over.
On Nov. 9, 1989, East Berlin residents were given permission to visit West Berlin. That day, thousands poured across the checkpoints, and in front of guards, started to tear down portions of the Wall. People used whatever tools they could find to chip away at it. The entire world watched the momentous occasion on TV as East Berliners were greeted by West Berliners. People drank champagne and danced on the Wall at Brandenburg Gate, the gateway between the two cities.
Pieces of the wall were sold as souvenirs and the government later used industrial equipment to remove the rest of the wall.
Brainteaser of the Week
Word Teaser
What do these words have in common?
age, blame, curb, dance, evidence, fence, gleam, harm, interest, jam,kiss, latch, motion, nest, order, part, quiz, rest, signal, trust, use, view,win, x-ray, yield, zone?
5 people and 1 guitar
In Room 8 we are learning how important each person's efforts are to a team's performance when working in cooperative learning activities. This video shows how every team member has a vital role to play towards the groups performance.
Play Reading
Design a Species
As part of our topic we have been looking at animal adaptation. One of the activities we did was to design a new species by blending together attributes from different animals. We were given a habitat and either a predator or prey card. We then had to research different animals from that area to hel use design our new animals. Look at our wonderful designs.
Do You Sudoku?
Do you like puzzles? I'm not talking about the kind of puzzles that consists of 500 pieces you have to fit together to make a picture. I'm talking about puzzles that test your brain in the areas of language, logic or math.
One of the most popular puzzles today is called Sudoku. A Sudoku puzzle consists of 81 boxes arranged in a 9X9 grid. That means there are 9 rows and 9 columns. There are also 9 sub-grids — sometimes called boxes or blocks — arranged in 3X3 groups.
Sudoku puzzles feature numbers, but they test logic more than math. The goal of a Sudoku puzzle is to fill in the boxes with the numbers 1 through 9 in such a way that every column, every row and every 3X3 sub-grid contains all of the numbers 1 through 9.
Each digit 1 through 9 may be used only once in any particular column, row or sub-grid.
Ready to try your hand at Sudoku? Just jump online to try out this fun and free Sudoku puzzle!
One of the most popular puzzles today is called Sudoku. A Sudoku puzzle consists of 81 boxes arranged in a 9X9 grid. That means there are 9 rows and 9 columns. There are also 9 sub-grids — sometimes called boxes or blocks — arranged in 3X3 groups.
Sudoku puzzles feature numbers, but they test logic more than math. The goal of a Sudoku puzzle is to fill in the boxes with the numbers 1 through 9 in such a way that every column, every row and every 3X3 sub-grid contains all of the numbers 1 through 9.
Each digit 1 through 9 may be used only once in any particular column, row or sub-grid.
Ready to try your hand at Sudoku? Just jump online to try out this fun and free Sudoku puzzle!
Game of the Week
A game with a difference for you to investigate this week. Your task is to build a perfect habitat for one of the worlds most endangered mammals in the world, the black footed ferret.
Trick or Treat Quiz
Do you know your vampire bat from your ghost bat? Test your inner animal with our terror-ific Halloween quiz. Will you get more treats than tricks?
This Week In History.
Guy Fawks - 5th November 1605
Every year, on the 5th of November, many New Zealanders celebrate ‘Guy Fawkes’. This festival signalsthe beginning of summer and it’s an opportunity for family and friends to get together and enjoy the sight and sound of fireworks lighting up the sky. Like so many festivals, there is a story behind the tradition, and Guy Fawkes is no exception.
Do you know the story behind this tradtion, post you thoughts as a comment.
"Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
We see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."
Brainteaser of the Week
Camera Shy
In Oklahoma you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg.
Build Your Wild Self
As we have been designing new animals in class by blending together lots of different animals I though it might be fun for you to have a go at build a wild version of yourself. First of all you need to desgin your human self then choose your favourite animal parts to go wild. It would be great if you shared your creations with the class by emailing them to me. Click on the wild version of me to create your own wild self.
Switch Zoo
This week in class we have been looking at how animals adapt to survive in their environments. We were given a habitat and either a predator or prey then we had to design a new creature to survive in our habitat. Watch this spaceto see the fantastic animals that we designed. To learn more about habitats and adaptations visit Switch Zoo to play animal games and make new animals in a virtual zoo. Click on the link below for the fun to begin.
Lake Rotoiti
Last week we went to Lake Rotoiti to check out what they were doing to help endangered species in the area. Check out our endangered species website to see what we learnt.
Game of the Week
Most Word Pop
Letter balls fall down, type words with these letters + enter to make them POP. Don't let the number of balls on the screen reach 50. Post your score as a comment.
Letter balls fall down, type words with these letters + enter to make them POP. Don't let the number of balls on the screen reach 50. Post your score as a comment.
Do You Get Spooked Easily?
As Halloween approaches, you’ll start seeing ghosts, goblins and a whole host of assorted weird and scary creatures roaming the streets. How do you react when you see them?
Do they fascinate you or freak you out? If seeing them tends to make you jumpy, you might be the kind of person who spooks easily!
If you are, don’t worry. Everyone is afraid of something. What is it that you are afraid of? Post your fear as a comment...
This Week In History
Anniversary of Dr Seuss' Death
Dr Seuss, or Theodor Seuss Geisel, was born on March 2, 1904, in Massachusetts, USA.
‘The Cat in the Hat’ and ‘Green Eggs and Ham’, are the two biggest sellers. ‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas!’ is third on the list of most popular Seuss books in the US.
What is your favourite Dr Seuss book?
Brainteaser of the Week
Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
Is Elizabeth drinking coffee or hot chocolate?
George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee.
Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking hot chocolate.Is Elizabeth drinking coffee or hot chocolate?
Game of the Week
Bloxorz trains logical problem solving and spatial visualization. Get the block to fall into the square hole at the end of each stage.
Halloween Costumes
Did you know?
It’s that time of year again! What time? It’s time to disguise yourself and flit about your neighborhood, brazenly asking for free candy and treats. What are we talking about? Halloween, of course!
Do you enjoy dressing up for Halloween? What costumes have you worn in the past? Which one was your favorite? What do you want to dress as this year?
It’s that time of year again! What time? It’s time to disguise yourself and flit about your neighborhood, brazenly asking for free candy and treats. What are we talking about? Halloween, of course!
Do you enjoy dressing up for Halloween? What costumes have you worn in the past? Which one was your favorite? What do you want to dress as this year?
Birds found in the Rotoiti Area.
On Tuesday we are heading off to Lake Rotoiti to find out about the Rotoiti Nature Recovery Project. Last week you were given a list of birds that you are likely to see and hear there. Click on the link below to hear what these birds sound like.
Elephant Orchestra
During our reading rotation today we read about Asian Elephants. We discovered that Asian Elephants were number 10 on the endangered animal list. We also found out that the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre formed and elephant orchestra. The elephants can play up to 20 different instruments, they are very intelligent animals. They have made 2 CD's and the money they make goes towards helping other elephants.
Listen to them playing, what do you think?
Listen to them playing, what do you think?
Wonder of the Week
Can you beatbox?
Beatboxing is a big part of modern hip hop culture. In addition to drum sounds, beatboxing can involve singing, imitating a record player and making sounds like a wide variety of different musical instruments.
Are there any of you out there who are budying beatboxers, if so let me know and you can record yourself performing for our blog.
Beatboxing is a big part of modern hip hop culture. In addition to drum sounds, beatboxing can involve singing, imitating a record player and making sounds like a wide variety of different musical instruments.
Are there any of you out there who are budying beatboxers, if so let me know and you can record yourself performing for our blog.
This Week In History
14th of October 1964
Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Martin Luther King is considered one of the most famous people in American history. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this week, 48 years ago, to honour his civil rights work. He made history because at 35 years old, he was the youngest Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
Look at the following photos how do they make you feel?
Brain teaser of the week
She is how old?
The day before yesterday, Chris was 7 years old.
Next year, she'll turn 10. How is this possible?Kids Can Cook
Kids Can Cook visited Waimea Intermediate School on the last week of term. Room 8 were lucky enough to join Chris Fortune to learn about sustainable cooking. Taylor and Zak were chosen to act as sous chefs. They made crepes filled with creme fresh, apples, silver beet and rosemary (grown in our own school garden). They were yum!!!
Room 8 perform "Forget You"
Word Out Game
Test your spelling abiltiy and problem solving skills by playing this fun game.
Post your score as a comment. A prize will be given for the highest score.
Post your score as a comment. A prize will be given for the highest score.
Inspirational Story
A man was lost while driving through the countryside. As he tried to reach for the map, he accidentally drove off the road into a ditch. Though he wasn't injured, his car was stuck deep in
the mud. So the man walked to a nearby farm to ask for help."Warwick can get you out of that ditch," said the farmer, pointing to an old mule standing in a
field. The man looked at the decrepit old mule and looked at the farmer who just stood there
repeating, "Yep, old Warwick can do the job." The man figured he had nothing to lose. The two
men and the mule made their way back to the ditch. The farmer hitched the mule to the car. With
a snap of the reins, he shouted, "Pull, Fred! Pull, Jack! Pull, Ted! Pull, Warwick!"
And the mule pulled that car right out of the ditch.
The man was amazed. He thanked the farmer, patted the mule, and asked, "Why did you call
out all of those names before you called Warwick?"
The farmer grinned and said, "Old Warwick is just about blind. As long as he believes he'spart of a team, he doesn't mind pulling."
1.What do you believe is the key to being part of a successful team?
2.Think of a team that is successful in your opinion. What makes them successful?
This Week in History
19th Septmeber 1893
NZ women win the right to vote.
What was the name of the suffragette who appears on our $10 note?
NZ women win the right to vote.
When the Governor, Lord Glasgow, signed the Electoral Act into law on 19 September 1893, New Zealand became the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote in parliamentary elections. Most other countries, including Britain and the United States, did not allow women to vote until after the First World War. New Zealand was therefore seen as being a forward thinking and progressive country.
Despite this victory, women did not gain the right to stand for Parliament until 1919, and the first female MP was not elected until 1933. We have now made up for lost time, as in 2012 around one third of MP’s are women
… we have the suffragettes of the 19th century to thank for that.
Brainteaser of the Week
Breaking the Rules
A bus driver was heading down a street. He went straight past a stop sign without stopping, he turned right where there was a 'no right turn' sign and finally he went the wrong way down a one-way street, in full view of a police officer. Still - he didn't break any traffic laws. Why not?
The Little Things
“ Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions
that can change your life forever”
The head of a major company survived the tragedy of “9/11” in New York because he took the morning off work and took his son to his first day at kindergarten.
Another man was alive because it was his turn to bring in morning tea.One woman was late because her alarm clock didn’t go off in time.
One was late because of being stuck in traffic due to a car accident.
One of them missed his bus.
One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.
One’s car wouldn’t start.
One went back to answer the telephone.
One had a child that dawdled and didn’t get ready as soon as he should have.
One couldn’t get a taxi.
One man put on a new pair of shoes that morning and developed a blister on his way to work. He stopped at a chemist to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.
The next time things seem to be going wrong; you miss the bus, you can’t seem to find your shoes, someone holds you up when you’re running late
… don’t get mad or frustrated; chances are it is all for the best. Look at these annoying little things with fresh eyes – and try to remember and appreciate their possible
This Week in History
9/11 Terrorist Attack - September 11 2001
On Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001, 4 passenger planes were hijacked by 19 terrorists. The terrorists were from the Islamist militant group, al-Qaeda and it is believed they were acting out of anger at America’s involvement in the Middle East. They carried out the deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil.
You were probably too young to remember when the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place in the United States. However, if you were to ask any adult where they were the moment they heard about these attacks, they could probably tell you as it was such a life changing event.
I was working at a school in England in the computer suite. All the computer crashed and we didn't understand why. I only found out when I got home from school and put the news on.
Ask your parents or caregivers where they were and post their answer as a comment.
Brain Teaser of the Week
Wheelbarrow Challenge.
He looked at the objects lying around: a pile of 400 bricks, a steel beam, the 10 men that had gathered around to watch, and a stack of ten bags of concrete mix; he thought for a while, and then finalised his plan. “All right,” he said, and revealed his object.
That night, the strong man went home $100 poorer. What was the weaker man’s object?
Two men working at a construction site were getting on each other’s nerves so they decided to challenge each other. One man, obviously stronger, said “See that wheelbarrow? I’m willing to bet $100 that anything you can wheel to that cone and back, I can wheel twice as far. Do we have a bet?”
the other man, too proud to decline, shook his hand ... but he had a plan.He looked at the objects lying around: a pile of 400 bricks, a steel beam, the 10 men that had gathered around to watch, and a stack of ten bags of concrete mix; he thought for a while, and then finalised his plan. “All right,” he said, and revealed his object.
That night, the strong man went home $100 poorer. What was the weaker man’s object?
Wonder of the Week
Are you handy when it comes to art?
Check out Guido Daniele’s online gallery of animals he has created with hand art. I challenge you to scroll through his whole collection. Can you find the following animals in his gallery?
•Clown Fish
•Hound Dog
•Komodo Dragon
If you are up to the challenge try some hand art of your own. Take a picture and we will post it on our blog.
Check out Guido Daniele’s online gallery of animals he has created with hand art. I challenge you to scroll through his whole collection. Can you find the following animals in his gallery?
•Clown Fish
•Hound Dog
•Komodo Dragon
If you are up to the challenge try some hand art of your own. Take a picture and we will post it on our blog.
Try work out what the question is to this answer ... Answer is a clock...
Now it's your turn the answer is...a clock
By Amelia & Sophie(:
What is better than God, poor people have it, rich people dont have it and if you eat it you will die?
Sophie's & Amelia's brain teaser
Sophie's & Amelia's brain teaser
Sometimes the stars (writing)
This is the video our class watch for writing we had to write a good starting and we will post the storys soon.
by amelia & sophie:)
Nikita Howarth is a 13 year old girl from the Waikato who embodies the values of the Olympics and Paralympics: Respect, Excellence, Friendship, Determination, Courage, Equality and Inspiration. Nikita was born with bilateral upper limb deficiency, meaning she has no hands. It is difficult to know what is more impressive; being able to beat able bodied competitors at her school swimming sports day or being named as the youngest NZ competitor at the Paralympic Games in London!
If you had to choose 3 values that were important to you what would they be?
This Week In History
The First Ever Paralympics - 1960
Most of us took pleasure in viewing the highs and lows of the 2012 London Olympics. They were a success in terms of the sporting events themselves and in the values and Olympic spirit that shone through. For those of us who have missed watching the inspiring athletes on our TV screens, this week sees the beginning of the second largest sporting event in the world...The Paralympics.
Wonder of the Week
Have you ever wondered…
Do you have ESP?
What does ESP stand for?
What types of ESP are there?
Did you know?Can you read people’s minds? Do you sometimes get a sense that something is about to happen just before it happens? If this sounds familiar, maybe you have ESP!
ESP — short for extrasensory perception — refers to the ability to receive information directly with the mind rather than through the five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. ESP is sometimes called by other names, such as sixth sense, gut feeling and a hunch.
What do you think?
Do you have ESP?
What does ESP stand for?
What types of ESP are there?
Did you know?Can you read people’s minds? Do you sometimes get a sense that something is about to happen just before it happens? If this sounds familiar, maybe you have ESP!
ESP — short for extrasensory perception — refers to the ability to receive information directly with the mind rather than through the five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. ESP is sometimes called by other names, such as sixth sense, gut feeling and a hunch.
What do you think?
Rhythm Interactive
Last week we were lucky to have Rhythm Interactive visit our school. It was a fun experience where everyone got their own drum. There was no talking throughout the entire performance. Check out the fun we had.
Technology Challenge
This week for our technology of the Maori unit we read about Maori fish hooks and nets. We then worked in teams of 2 or 3 to create a fishing rod using only the materials provided. We were given 16 sheets of double newspaper, 4 metres of string, 2 paper clips, one roll of sticky tape, 4 sheets of A4 card and scissors (for construction only) and 30 minutes to create our fishing rods. After that we were challenged to catch as many fish as possible in 2 minutes. This proved to be quite a difficult task with some groups not catching any fish. Fynn, Michael and Kerryn won the challenge by catching 4 fish. Well Done boys.
Wonder of the Week
Are You Talented?
Have you ever wondered…
Are you talented?
What types of talents do different people have?
How can you discover your talents?
So what are your talents? And don’t say that you don’t have any! Everyone has talents.
If you’re not sure what your talents are, ask a friend or family member for help. They will be glad to help you see yourself in a different light. You may be surprised by what they think your talents are.
Check out this girl with a funny talent.
Have you ever wondered…
Are you talented?
What types of talents do different people have?
How can you discover your talents?
So what are your talents? And don’t say that you don’t have any! Everyone has talents.
If you’re not sure what your talents are, ask a friend or family member for help. They will be glad to help you see yourself in a different light. You may be surprised by what they think your talents are.
Check out this girl with a funny talent.
This Week In History
Mt. Vesuvius erupts 24th August AD 79
This week, nearly 2 000 years ago, Mt. Vesuvius in Italy exploded in a spectacular and devastating way.The cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were buried under tons of volcanic ash. What is truly amazing is that these lost cities were perfectly preserved by the ash.
Brainteaser Of The Week
Amazing Talent
A man is sitting in a cafe feeling rather poor. He sees the man next to him pull a bunch of $50 notes out of his wallet. He turns to the rich man and says to him, "I have an amazing talent: I know almost every song that has ever existed." The rich man laughs.The poor man says, "I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a lady's name of your choice in it." The rich man laughs again and says, "OK, how about my daughter's name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?"The rich man goes home poor. The poor man goes home rich. What song did he sing?
Wonder of the Day
Can Kids Be Inventors, Too?
Have you ever wondered…- Can kids be inventors, too?
- How do things get invented?
- What famous things have been invented by kids?
Did you know?Do you have imagination? Do you like to solve problems? Can you think outside the box?
If so, you could be the next great inventor. “But I’m just a kid,” you might say! Don’t worry about a little thing like age. Some of the greatest inventors in the world got their start as kids.Do you have your own bright ideas for some new inventions? How about a toothbrush that brushes your teeth while you’re sleeping? Or a robot that does your homework while you’re at soccer practice? Maybe even a pencil that knows the answers to test questions!
Post your ideas as a comment.
This Week In History
The Opening of the Panama Canal - 15th August 1914
Looking back in history, we find that ships were used for much of the transporting of goods around the world. Take a look at the map above. How would a ship have managed to get its cargo from the west coast of the United states to the East? The ship would have needed to travel all the way down to Cape Horn at the bottom of South America and then all the way back up. There had to be an easier way. And in 1534, King Charles V of Spain decided there was. He planned to create a canal through Panama so boats could cut though and enter the Atlantic ocean more quickly. In fact, a journey that was once 20, 000 kilometres long could be reduced to just 8000 kilometres by building an 8 kilometre canal.
The Panama canal has been called one of the modern ‘Seven Wonders of the World’. It is an example of what can be achieved through hard work and determination. However, it came at a very high cost - the loss of 26 000 lives.
The Panama Canal is considered one of the greatest engineering feats in the world.
The following landmarks are also examples of incredible engineering.
In which countries would you find the following?
a) The Hoover Dam
b) The Eiffel Tower
c) The Golden Gate Bridge
d) The Channel Tunnel
Can you think of any other famous man-made landmarks?
Brainteaser of the Week
Unusual Paragraph
nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual
though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if
you work at it a bit, you might find out.
This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious as to just how quickly you can find out
what is so unusual about it. It looks so ordinary and plain that you would thinknothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is highly unusual
though. Study it and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if
you work at it a bit, you might find out.
Waka Making
In literacy we have been learning about maori culture and have been makeing maori canoes (nag waka) and have 30mins to make a canoe with stable sides and have to be able to hold one person in it.
we had to make it out of *news paper *ice block sticks *stiky tape and scissors.
By Alani and Sophie
Shot Put

This morning Valerie Adams won a silver medal in shot put. With the score of 20.40m. In first place getting the gold was Nadzeya Ostapchuk from Belarus and the bronze medal went to Evgeniia Kolodko from Russia. Comment what you think about this
By Alani and Sophie
Can you solve this riddle?
A cowboy rides into town on Friday stays in town for 2 nights and he leaves on Friday how did he do it????????
By Sophie & Alani.
By Sophie & Alani.
The Magician
A 6-foot tall Magician had a water glass and was holding the glass above his head. He let it drop to the carpet without spilling a single drop of water.
How could he manage to drop the glass from a height of six feet and not spill a drop of water?
This Week In History
1988 - Seoul Olympics - Ben Johnson
Canadian, Ben Johnson, beat the great Carl Lewis with a run
of 9.79sec. It was four hundredths of a second better than his
old record. Then news broke that Johnson had been taking
performance enhancing drugs. The yellow eyes Lewis had
spotted as they lined up were a sign of steroid use. From that
point on, drug-testing has become an important part of the
Olympics and references to staying drug-free are made in the
Olympic oath.
Canadian, Ben Johnson, beat the great Carl Lewis with a run
of 9.79sec. It was four hundredths of a second better than his
old record. Then news broke that Johnson had been taking
performance enhancing drugs. The yellow eyes Lewis had
spotted as they lined up were a sign of steroid use. From that
point on, drug-testing has become an important part of the
Olympics and references to staying drug-free are made in the
Olympic oath.
What you believe to be the most memorable moment of the 2012 Olympic Games.
Pikau Challenge
This week during our Technology of the Maori unit we read about pikau, which are Maori backpacks. Once we had finsihed our reading and our comprehension activities we were given a technology challenge by Mrs Lee.
We worked in groups of 3 or 4 to create a pikau with only the following materials.
15 sheets of newspaper
1 roll of sellotape
1 sticky label
1 vivid pen
We were given 30 minutes to complete our pikau.
We then had to model our pikau's and points were awarded for:-
Stays on the models back for judging
Has space inside for belongings
Is able to be opened and closed
Has two shoulder straps
Is to be visually appealing
Has a clearly visible name label
Congratulations to Holly, Laura and Danielle for winning the challenge.
I can't wait to see what you all create for our next challenge.
We worked in groups of 3 or 4 to create a pikau with only the following materials.
15 sheets of newspaper
1 roll of sellotape
1 sticky label
1 vivid pen
We were given 30 minutes to complete our pikau.
We then had to model our pikau's and points were awarded for:-
Stays on the models back for judging
Has space inside for belongings
Is able to be opened and closed
Has two shoulder straps
Is to be visually appealing
Has a clearly visible name label
Congratulations to Holly, Laura and Danielle for winning the challenge.
I can't wait to see what you all create for our next challenge.
This Week In History
Ancient Olympic Games 776 B.C.
As we get swept up in the excitement of the 2012 Olympic Games, it’s worth remembering how it all
started. The games as they are today are referred to as the modern Olympic Games, however their inspiration came from the ancient Olympic Games that took place over 2700 years ago.
Did you watch the opening cermony? What was your favourite part?
Brainteaser of the Week
The Accident
grey-haired surgeon was called in to operate. Upon seeing the young boy, the
surgeon said, "I can't operate - this is my son." How is this possible?
A man and his son had a terrible car accident and were rushed to the hospital. The
man died on the way, but the son was still barely alive. When they arrived, an oldgrey-haired surgeon was called in to operate. Upon seeing the young boy, the
surgeon said, "I can't operate - this is my son." How is this possible?
One Direction
Today is One Direction's second birthday. The group of five boys were first put together by Simon Cowell 2 years ago on Britain's X Factor, the rest is history. Who is your favourite One Direction member and why?

Margaret Mahy
Children's author Margaret Mahy dies aged 76
One of New Zealand's most acclaimed literary figures has died following a short illness.
Mahy authored more than 120 published works for children and young adults, including favourites The Lion in the Meadow, Maddigan's Quest, and The Man whose Mother was a Pirate.
My favourite Margaret Mahy book is Down the Back of the Chair, what is your's.
This Week in History
20th of June 1987
While the 2012 Rugby World Cup victory is still fresh in the minds of most New Zealanders, this week we commemorate the very first Rugby World Cup which took place in 1987.
It was a special event for New Zealand, as not only was it the very first world cup, we also hosted it (along with Australia) and then went on to win it.
Who captained the team that won the first world cup?
Post your answer as a comment.
Brain Teaser of the Week
Who Dunnit?
Their alibis were:
Chef - making breakfast
Maid - getting mail
Butler - setting table
Gardener - watering plants
The police immediately arrested the criminal.
Who was it and how did they know?
A man was killed on Sunday morning. His wife found the body and called the
police. The police arrived and questioned the chef, maid, butler, and gardener.Their alibis were:
Chef - making breakfast
Maid - getting mail
Butler - setting table
Gardener - watering plants
The police immediately arrested the criminal.
Who was it and how did they know?
Matariki is the Māori New Year, so try out this interactive to learn more
about how the Matariki star constellation relates to science.
Learn how to make a hangi.
Make a hangi by choosing the correct type and quantity of wood and rocks, and
stacking the fire and food in the right order. Click on the picture below to use the interactive.
Maori Greetings - Nga Mihi
Maori Langauge - Test your know of greetings in te reo Maori using this interactive quiz. Don't forget to use these greeting in class, school and at home.
Joke Competition
Joke Competition
Enter your joke in the comments
And the winner will be announced
On Friday the 3rd of August
No racist or rude jokes
To start you off here's a joke
Yo mama so stupid she tried to put her m&ms in alphabetical order
Yo mama so stupid she got locked in a mattress store and sleep on the floor
By Taylor and Trent
Enter your joke in the comments
And the winner will be announced
On Friday the 3rd of August
No racist or rude jokes
To start you off here's a joke
Yo mama so stupid she tried to put her m&ms in alphabetical order
Yo mama so stupid she got locked in a mattress store and sleep on the floor
By Taylor and Trent
This Day In History
18th of July 1955
DisneyLand first opens
man ...Walt Disney
Many children (and adults) dream of visiting Disneyland. If you had one day in which you
could do anything you wanted what would you do? Where would you go? How would you
get there? Who would you go with? What would you eat? etc.
DisneyLand first opens
Disneyland has long been considered a magical place for children and adults to visit.The characters,
attractions and rides are world-renowned and they all came from the dreams and imaginings of oneman ...Walt Disney
Many children (and adults) dream of visiting Disneyland. If you had one day in which you
could do anything you wanted what would you do? Where would you go? How would you
get there? Who would you go with? What would you eat? etc.
Brain Teaser of the Week
Job Interview
Two women apply for a job.
They are identical and have the same mother, father and date of birth.The interviewer asks, "Are you twins?" to which they honestly reply, "No".
How is this possible?
The answer is Triplets, well done to everyone who got the correct answer.
Poetry Recitals
Well Done to everyone in Room 8 for their wonderful poetry recitals, you all did a great job. Here are our 3 finalists.
Zak's Polar Bear Website
Check out this amazing google site that Zak created to share his independent research learning.
Well Done Zak impressive work.
What do you like about winter?
Take this survey and find out what the best thing about winter is.
Click here to take survey
By Holly :)
Tongue Twister
Mr. See owned a saw.
And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
Now, See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw
Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore.
Had Soar seen See's saw
Before See sawed Soar's seesaw,
See's saw would not have sawed
Soar's seesaw.
So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw.
But it was sad to see Soar so sore
just because See's saw sawed
Soar's seesaw.
Comment how long it takes you to say this :)
By Holly :)
And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
Now, See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw
Before Soar saw See,
Which made Soar sore.
Had Soar seen See's saw
Before See sawed Soar's seesaw,
See's saw would not have sawed
Soar's seesaw.
So See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw.
But it was sad to see Soar so sore
just because See's saw sawed
Soar's seesaw.
Comment how long it takes you to say this :)
By Holly :)
Can you figure out these?
Example:GR 12'' AVE
Answer:One foot in the grave.
2:o er t o
4:must get here
must get here
must get here
Comment what you think the answers are. I hope you enjoy!
By Holly :)
Example:GR 12'' AVE
Answer:One foot in the grave.
2:o er t o
4:must get here
must get here
must get here
Comment what you think the answers are. I hope you enjoy!
By Holly :)
Inspirational Story
Click on the link below to read this inspirational story. Then answer the question as a comment. ( You may need to log on to your google apps account to access the story. To do this go to, click on My Wis and then log into Google Apps with your school user name and password.
Brain Teaser of the Week
Solve these word picture brainteasers
Are You The Last Brain Thinking?
Sharpen your mind with this exciting new brain training game.
To improve your brain power just enter the Last Brain Thinking
studios and play the single player games.
Once you've fully trained up your brain, test your mind against other players in our multiplayer studios. There are three studios - easy, medium and hard - what brain do you have?
Once you've fully trained up your brain, test your mind against other players in our multiplayer studios. There are three studios - easy, medium and hard - what brain do you have?
Brain Teaser of the Week

What am I?
Well Done to everyone who got the correct answer of breath.
Adam's Awesome Snow Leopard Website
Check out this amazing website that Adam created to share his independent learning about Snow Leopards. Well Done Adam you did a fantastic job.
To visit SuperClub Plus click on the link below and use the usename and password you were given at school.
Jelly On A Plate
Today we were working on our performance skills in preparation for our poetry recitals.
We worked in groups to perform a section of Jelly on a Plate. During our performance we included changing the volume, pitch and pace of the poem. We also included silence and solo performances. We added actions to enhance our performance and make it more enjoyable for the audience.
We hope you enjoyed our presentation. Could you spot the different elements that we included?
Technology Challenge
As there were no modules on Friday, Room's 7 and 8 decided to get together for a technology challenge. We had to work in teams of three to create a six piece outfit. We had to include a top, a bottom and a hat and then we could choose 3 more elements in include with our outfits. We had to be creative, original and outfits needed to be modelled by one of our team. We all had heaps of fun. Watch this slideshow to see our creations.
It was a tough decision to choose a winner but here are the top three outfits.

It was a tough decision to choose a winner but here are the top three outfits.
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